π₯ read the update wiki on the github wiki section
Global Config
Besides to Hugo Global config there are some more variables that can be used in config.toml.
Site Params
# Optional Footer
copyright = 'Name'
# True if the header must appears also in the homepage (default: True)
showHeaderOnHomepage = true
#Β Google Analytics G-Tag (optional)
googleAnalytics = "G-XX00000"
# True if you want to use Twemoji (optional)
twemoji = true
# Optional text for 404 text.
text404 = "Some text"
# Font Awesome 6 id. Optional, FA4 will be used without any ID provided.
fontawesomekitcode = "123456789"
Social links
Social links can be add in the homepage by writing them directly on config.toml
name = "email"
icon = "fa fa-envelope" # name of FA icon
url = "https://t.me/example"
before = "and on " # text before the icon
after = "." # text after the icon
The header menu is also configurable:
name = "Projects."
url = "/projects/"
weight = 1
Page config
# the title that appears on the single page
title: "example title"
# optional: if provided appears on the home page instead of the title
description: "this is and example description longer that the title."
date: 2021-03-17T22:00:00Z
slug: "website-page-cool"
# optional: to display toc on bigger screens (toc on smartphones isn't supported yet)
toc: true
E.g.: you want use the categories and tags taxonomies.
In the config file:
tag = "tags"
category = "categories"
In each article:
categories: ["cat1"]
tags: ["tag1", "..."]